Monday, December 15, 2008


In awe I stand beneath that cross
And gaze upon the One;
Full well I know that suff'ring form
In God's own precious Son.

In fear I stand beneath that cross;
It's not mere man I see,
But God! Creator! King and Lord
Is dying there for me!

In shame I stand beneath that cross,
In shame I hide my face,
For it's my sin which hung Him there;
He died there in my place.

In love I stand beneath that cross
While tears unbidden flow,
To think that He, the sinless One,
Could love a sinner so.

In peace I stand beneath that cross;
Sin's burdens roll away.
The cleansing blood has been applied.
God's peace has come to stay.

~Geneva Showerman~

To this poem I say AMEN, AMEN and AMEN!! I read this and wanted to cry and shout!! Oh that Christ would love me so much that He would be willing to suffer and die for me such as He did. And you know what? He did that for you too!! If this poem doesn't touch your heart then something is wrong. May we NEVER forget what Christ did for us and how much He loved us and still loves us today!!

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