Monday, December 15, 2008

A Glance At Modesty

I was just over at The Baptist Muse and reading the latest posts that have been put on there and found a two part study that was done by Sis. Deborah that Bro. Nicholas posted on his blog. As some of my readers know I put an importance on how we should dress as children of the King. Not it isn't what saves us and/or keeps us saved. God tells us that He looks on the heart of His children. But the outward appearance is very important as well. The world must see a difference in us. For some....we are the only Bible this world will ever see or "read". So our conduct...our conversation and our dress should speak of Christ and of being different from this world.

I would like to give the links to these two posts that were put on The Baptist Muse for further reminders and teaching of how our Saviour expects us to dress and the type of clothing we should and should not wear. I hope you will read these two posts and let the Holy Spirit instruct you and teach you something that maybe you didn't already know.

A Glance At Modesty Part I
A Glance At Modesty Part II

Thank you Sis. Deborah for your study and thank you Bro. Nicholas for posting these posts.


Deborah said...

Hi Julie, Thanks for posting about my article on modesty. It's by no means an indepth study, but gives some practical pointers for moms and daughters who may not have ever thought about the importance of how they dress.
I originally posted it on my blog, where I included a few pictures as examples.
Thanks again for the mention!

TO BECOME said...

Sis. Julie, I will go over and read what Deborah has to say, I am sure that it will be well worth reading.

Since my sister got sick, I have not had a lot of time to go and visit like I would want to and I have really missed the blessings. Thank you for being so faithful.

I am praying for you and your family to have one of your greatest Christmases ever. connie

Sis. Julie said...

Sis. Deborah...You're so welcome. I want to give my readers something good to read when it pertains to a subject I have on my blog.

Sis. Julie said...

Sis. Connie...Thank you so much!! I hope y'all have a great Christmas too!!


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