Monday, April 26, 2010

Update On Our Grandbabies

I wanted to update everyone on our grandbabies and on Jessica with the miscarriage.

First....Candyce is growing more and more all the time. Jessica let us know today that she is getting on her hands and knees and then pushing herself up to a standing position without holding onto anything. She is growing more and more each day!!! It is so great to see!!!

John Michael is growing and growing. He is now up to over 9 lbs. He is 5 weeks old now which is so hard to believe!! They are coming for a visit this weekend so be sure to check back for pics from their time with us.

Kristina is doing well with her pregnancy. She is growing and feeling the baby move more and more. And by the way....they found out they are having a girl. Kloe Nikole is her name!!! We are very excited to be having another granddaughter.

Jessica is in the process of still miscarrying the twins. The dr is giving her till May 5th to pass the babies before they will require to have a d&c. We are praying her body does what it needs to so she doesn't have to have that done. Please help us pray!!!


JTR said...

Thanks for the update - our whole family is praying for yours!

Jerry Bouey said...

Thanks for the update. Praying that Jessica has no complications. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Hi I am a midwife and have been following your blog for quite some time. I wanted to share with you that whenever we have a mother that is miscarrying we tell her to take one teaspoonful of baking soda in one cup of warm water and drink it. This will help clean out the uterus. If she is still having trouble we give her T&C formula from mountain meadow herbs.

by using this we have never had to send a women in for a D&C I will be praying for your precious daughter as I know even though the Lord gives grace and help it is still difficult. Blessings Lisa

Jessica said...

Are you suppossed to do that "while" you are miscarrying, or before you begin miscarrying? Because I'm not actually miscarrying yet. I am praying that it will start soon though.

Sis. Julie said...

Lisa...if you happen to see this comment....could you please email me at and give me your phone number again? Jessica has lost it and she has a question to ask you.

Thank you so much!!


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