Monday, July 14, 2008

Conflicts In The LIfe Of A Christian


Hebrews 12:15 "
Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;"

Bitterness takes root inside each of us and troubles us but it will eventually defile others. It will affect those that are around us. It is probably the number one conflict in the life of a Christian. Many people are walking around with the "mully-grubs". We expect that from those that have no hope. But we Christians ought not walk around that way.

There are many causes for bitterness. I will be listing six of them. I will mention three of them in this post and then the other three in my next post.

It is possible for Christians to become bitter. Look at Naomi. She was saved yet she became bitter.
Ruth 1:20 "And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me." She let the losses of her husband and sons make her bitter. Bitterness will always make a person different than what they used to be or ought to be. We need to ask ourselves if we are bitter with anyone or with over anything. Everyone has been bitter at some point in their lives.

--> Bitterness can be caused by leaving God's will. People will get bitter with someone and leave a place of service (Sunday School the church...etc.) and then become bitter when someone steps up to take over that position. God will always have someone to step in that place of service. If it isn't you then you need to know it will be someone.

--> Bitterness is caused by associating with the wrong kind of people. Job 1:22 "
In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly." Job lost everything but he did not become bitter. He was walking with God. He would not get bitter because he was in God's will. He was affected by his friends though. His friends and his wife had a part in him becoming bitter. He had no support around him at all. This can eventually cause a person to become bitter. Job 10:1b-2 "I will speak in the bitterness of my soul. I will say unto God, Do not condemn me; shew me wherefore thou contendest with me." We need to be around positive people. Those who are negative will bring us down and cause us to be negative. When the negative people come around positive and cause them to be positive. If they are intent on being negative then say "Have a nice day" and leave. Bitterness is not far behind a negative spirit.

--> Bitterness can be caused by disappointment. I Samuel 1:10 "
And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the LORD, and wept sore." Hannah wanted a child and God wasn't giving her one. She became disappointed. Disappointment will cause us to question God. It will also cause us to shift the blame. We should not blame others for our disappointment. They did not make us disappointed...we chose to become that way. If we become disappointed then we can become bitter because of that disappointment. But we still have a choice as to whether we will become bitter or not. No one makes us be that way.

That is three of the ways to become bitter. In the next post I'll list the other three ways.


T said...

I really needed some Godly inspriation today and once again I was able to find some here. I'm not bitter in regard to anything but I know I need to find some more positive people in my life right now and in the lives of my daughters. It certinly is a struggle to find some.

Sis. Julie said...

Sis. Tiffany....It is hard at times to find positive people to spend time with. But I know that God knows your need and He can send them your way if you sincerely pray and ask Him to. Just try to avoid those negative people that may come your way. I'm praying for you!!!

TO BECOME said...

Bitterness is a terrible thing, it crowds out anything good. The most horrible part is that it does effect all those around you. Please Lord, keep us all from having bitterness in our hearts for any reason. It is not worth it. We lose the joy of our salvation and can no longer be a blessing. connie from Texas

Sis. Julie said...

Sis. Connie...You are so right!! In fact I'll go into our losing our joy when I post one of the ways to become bitter.

Anonymous said...

Mrs Julie good post. Thanks for sharing this with us. I know how bitterness works because I have been there before and I pray I never ever get back to that point in my life. I look forward to hearing the other three points. As we have heard many times when things happen in our life we either will get better or bitter.

Bro Tim

Sis. Julie said...

Bro. Tim...I have heard your testimony of that time you were dealing with bitterness. You have said it was not a fun time in your life and that you regret that time. I know God will use you as a result of that time in your Christian life to help someone else who may be dealing with that.


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