James 1:27 "But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves."
Psalm 119:7 "I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments."
The answer to the question I've posed should be "yes". We should be able to say that we are letting God change us. The truth is that God wants to change us. It is His will for us to be conformed to the image of His Son. He accomplishes His will through the preaching of His Word and the reading and study of His Word. If you are in a good sound biblical King James Bible preaching, sin hating and Christ loving church then you are hearing preaching that is trying to conform you to that image. But you know what? The preacher can't change you. He can preach what God gives him to preach but it has to be the Holy Spirit that does that changing. And you have to let Him change you.
You know what else? God won't force Himself on anyone. He won't change anyone that doesn't want to be changed. And that is the problem. We have lots of people that are sitting under the good preaching and they say they want to change but they really don't. If those people are truly honest with themselves...they don't truly want to change. A person who truly wants to change and be conformed to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ will let God change him or her.
Is it easy to be changed? No!!! God sends the message through preaching or reading or study of His Word but the enemy is not stupid. The enemy knows what God wants to do in your life. He will fight with every weapon he can to fight that change taking place. I know that I have faced many battles in my Christian life in areas that I've asked God to change me in. He reveals His will to me in certain areas and I submit to that in my life but there is always a temptation that comes my way to try to trip me up. That is why it is so important to pray each and every day for God's strength and put on the spiritual armour that God speaks of in Ephesians 6:11-18.
Don't get mad at the preacher when he preaches something that you don't agree with. Let that prompt you to get in the Word of God to study and read and find out for yourself what God wants of you. It's not the preacher bringing the message anyway. He is the vessel God uses...but the message is from God!!! Thank God that He loves you so much that He doesn't want you to stay in your present state. God only wants His best for your life!!! I thank God for the changes He has showed me that needed to be made in my life. I am not what I should be but thank God I'm not what I used to be!!! God is still working on me!! Thank you Lord!!
Complaceny and laziness are two of the worse traits in a believer's spiritual life. It leads to a defeated life. So sad ... there's no peace or joy in that. God post Sis!!!
What a awesome post!!! Yet another I need for my husband to see somehow! You and your blog are truly a blessing to me and my life! Thank you!!!
Amen! The hardest thing for me to learn is to submit to Him. And to realize that I can't change other people. Hard and painful lessons. Thank you so much for the much needed reminder of that!
P.S. Thank you for stopping by by blog.... God gave me the talent and ability to write and I am thankful for it! It helps me to battle whatever it is I have going on. Well, that and having words with God! :-)
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