Thank you to all who continue to follow me on my blog. I have found it too time consuming with the posting and the adding of pics which takes forever as well. So I have created a facebook fan page for those of you who would like to come and read the posts I put up. I'm sorry I haven't updated my blog like I have wanted to. I have many grandbabies now and have been busy helping with them. Here is the link: Julie's Jewels
I know it has been a while since I last updated. Life is very busy and hectic these days.
We are expecting 3 grandbabies and they should be here anytime now. Ronnie and Jessica's baby girl MaryEllen will make her entrance into the world very soon. Jessica is already dilating and having good contractions...just nothing consistent from what I'm told. Candyce is growing and learning day by day. She is a very smart little girl.
Kristina and Josh's twins (Brayden and Raegan) are due anytime as well. Kristina is very uncomfortable but is doing well considering how big she has gotten. But she still looks great!!! Last ultrasound she had to measure them was 3 weeks ago and they each weighed about 3 1/2 lbs. She will find out this Friday how much they weigh now. They both are constantly fighting one another in her womb. It is very interesting watching her belly when they do :o)
Michelle and her husband and Michael are doing great as well. God has truly blessed our family with who God put in our daughter's lives.
My husband and I are currently living with Kristina, Josh and Kloe so I can be here to help with Kloe since Kristina can't be up and chasing her around. Kloe is on the verge of walking everywhere. And when the twins get here she will need help while Josh works in caring for the twins and Kloe. So I thank God for the opportunity to be of help to her.
Thank you to all who stop by and check on us and leave comments. It is a blessing to know that some of you still stop by. You are the reason I keep my blog going at all. I just pray one day I can get back to posting devotionals again to encourage and help as I once had the opportunity to do.
Please pray for our family as we have faced many trials and situations in the past few months that have been very difficult to deal with. But through it all....God has remained faithful!!!
I pray this finds all my readers doing well. Our family has been through some bittersweet things since my last post.
Currently our son Ronnie and his wife are expecting another girl (MaryEllen Makenzie) due on October 12th. Also our daughter Kristina and her husband Josh are expecting twins (boy-Brayden Bryce and girl-Raegan Rileigh) due October 29th. The drs don't expect Kristina to make it to her due date though since twins are usually born early. We are praying she makes it to at least 36 weeks. So far both Jessica and Kristina are doing well.
Also our daughter Michelle married a wonderful man named Aaron. We love him!!! He is keeping her in church and treats her like a queen. She deserves and needs a man like Aaron in her life. He loves Michael as if he were his own son too. That is a HUGE plus for Michelle and for us too!!! Since getting married on March 11th they have been expecting twice and both resulted in miscarriages. We are praying that the next pregnancy will take and be okay when she gets pregnant again. She is very happy and although she has miscarried twice she is trusting the Lord for another baby when the Lord allows.
Also....on May 9th my dad passed away and we made a trip to Kansas (18 hrs one way) there and back in 3 days. I got to spend time with my mom and my sister. It breaks my heart that I no longer can call and talk to my dad when I want to but I still enjoy talking to my mom. She is doing quite well. Of course we have our days that are difficult but God is helping me through it.
The grandbabies are growing like crazy. They are my life. I enjoy spending time with them SO much!!! Candyce and Michael are talking more and more and doing things new every day. Kloe is beginning to talk and is clapping her hands now. She is into everything too!! So precious!!
That is the update and I hope to post some updated pics soon. Take care and enjoy the time you get with your family because you never know when one of them may be gone and you not get that chance again.
The ceremony was so sweet and we are so thankful to our loving Lord for sending Aaron to our Michelle. He is an amazing man!!! And to see him with Michael is such a blessing. Michael loves his Papa very much and his Papa loves him very much. We are praying for them as they begin their new life together that God would abundantly bless them as a family.
Psalm 103:1 "Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name."
Since my last post God has blessed our family even more. We now have a new son-in-law. Our daughter Michelle has married the young man she was seeing and they are VERY happy!!! We are so thankful to the Lord for sending her someone to love her and her son Michael and who is keeping them in church. We welcome our new son-in-law with open arms are are VERY happy for them all.
In the past week we have also found out that our daughter Kristina and her husband Josh are not only expecting a baby but they are having twins!!! Yes....we are quite shocked as were they too. But we know that God has done this since twins do not run on either side of their family. We rejoice at this news and are very anxiously awaiting their arrival. Please pray for her through this pregnancy. She is currently VERY sick as is expected but with not being sure what to expect she is a bit nervous too. She does know it will not be like it was with Kloe's pregnancy and delivery.
Our grandson Michael has also just celebrated his 1st birthday. What a grand day that was. He is growing so fast and talking up a storm even though it is his own little language. He currently says "Momma, Da-da, Papa, Nana, PawPaw and I love you". Kloe is growing as well and is now scooting all over the floor and should soon be crawling. Candyce is growing into such a precious girl. They grow so fast!!
Psalm 127:3 "Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward."
We have some very exciting things going on in our lives at the present time. I know that some will be judgmental since we have already caught flack from certain members of family and from some friends. But I want to say that I am very proud of the choices our children are making.
Our son Ronnie and his wife Jessica are expecting a baby due October 14th. We rejoice with them and are praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy. They have had 4 miscarriages and so this is a bit scary for them. Help us pray for them that the Lord would allow all to go well.
Also...our daughter Kristina and her husband Josh are expecting and the approximate due date is October 29th. Yes...that means we have two grandbabies due within two weeks of one another. We are VERY excited!!!
The grandbabies we have now are such a joy and to know that God is adding more is such a blessing!!! We are thankful that our children have chosen to trust God with their children. God is adding to their families....and we rejoice with them about that.
Also....after all that Michelle has been through with her ex-boyfriend and father of our grandson kicking her out of their apartment with no warning...she is back home with us and God has placed someone in her life that loves her and loves her son as much as if he were his own. And Michael even looks like him which is amazing to us all. Michelle is very happy and they plan to be married in a few months. God is working in their lives and for that we are VERY thankful. Michelle has been through more than anyone can ever don't judge her for how things have happened in her life. Be happy for her because she deserves it!!! We love Aaron (her current boyfriend) and know that God sent him to her. He is saved and faithful to church!!! And that is a HUGE plus!!!
God has been SO good to our family and I can't praise Him enough for all He has done and is doing.
Ronnie and Jessica paid for a photo shoot for our family as a Christmas gift to us. This is a precious gift to me. I thank them so much for the time we got to spend together and having our pictures taken together and as individual families. They turned out great!!! I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I do.
I know I have been absent for a while. For that I apologize. Much has happened since last posting. We have a new granddaughter. Kloe Nikole Carter arrived on September 22nd (her mommy's bday) and weighed in at 8 lbs. 14 oz. and was 20 inches long. She is a gorgeous baby!!!
John Michael is now 7 months old and is absolutely adorable. He is getting so big and is crawling everywhere and is pulling himself up to EVERYTHING!!! He keeps bumping his head on the wall, the tables and the tv stand. His mommy keeps saying he will destroy all his brain cells from bumping into everything with his head.
Our oldest grandbaby Candyce will be 15 months old in a few days and is growing so much!!! She has been walking for a while now. She is also going potty a good bit now. She is a BIG girl :o) She is absolutely adorable!!!
We are very anxious for Christmas this year. It is going to be so much fun with the two older grandbabies. Kloe won't be able to do much of course....but that's okay.
All of our kids are doing well. Ronnie is now a police officer like his daddy and is loving his job. Michelle and Kristina are doing well too and have started their own business and are doing VERY well with it.
Pictures are to follow in the next post....hope you enjoy them!!!