Sunday, May 16, 2010

Update on Jessica

I wanted to thank all who prayed for Jessica and Ronnie during their difficult time with the miscarriage. She miscarried the babies at approximately 11:30am this morning (Sunday). She is relieved that it is over. God answered many prayers concerning this miscarriage. And for that we praise the Lord!! We serve an amazing God!!! He never ceases to amaze me in the prayers that He answers and how He chooses to answer them.

Thank you again for your prayers for them and please continue. The physical part of this miscarriage may be over but the emotional healing continues.

I love you all and appreciate you all VERY much!!!

1 comment:

stacy said...

I am glad everybody is doing okay. I hope your husband is feeling better.Yet, the whole family is in my thoughts. I hope Jessica is feeling better. Please send her and your son my best regards...


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