Monday, February 26, 2007

I Speak This To Your Shame

I Corinthians 15:34 "Awake to righteousness and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame."

One of our missionaries that our church supports was with us this past Sunday afternoon and he preached a message on this thought. God really spoke to me about this thing of being a witness to everyone I come in contact with either by word or by giving a tract to them.

I think you would all agree that we all come in contact with people every time we are out and about that do not know God and need to hear about Him. We come in contact with them at work, at the store, at family gatherings, and etc. I have one question that I'd like to ask. Are you doing all you can to try to help people come to know the Lord? I asked myself this question and my answer would have to be "no".

It is our responsibility to share with others what God can do for them. I don't know about you...but someone took the time to stop and tell me. When we come in contact with others that do not know God in the free pardon of sin then it is to our shame if we don't take time to tell them. Isn't that what the verse is saying? "...for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame." God is the One telling this to us through the writer Paul.

Shame on us for not doing more!!!

Maybe you are telling others...shame on you for not telling more people than you are. Don't get me wrong. I'm just as guilty as you are. We can all tell more people than we are.

If you're telling every person you come in contact with then God bless you. But I would venture to say that we can all tell more people than we are.

The Bible says in Matthew 28:19-20 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:..." We are commanded to tell others of Jesus and His love.

So how about it...don't you agree that we all need to get a greater burden for the lost and undone of this world and not give God reason to look on us with shame? I know I need a greater burden and I need to get busy doing more to share the gospel with every person I meet...or at least try to. How about you?


Susannah said...

Wow, I'm not sure how I'd approach sharing the Gospel with EVERY person I meet. I do let the Lord lead me though, and He is quite clear when He wants me to open my mouth (or share a Gospel tract).

I will say that I am more attuned to the Spirit's leading at certain times than others, so I'm sure I've missed some opportunities. The key for me is focus--not on evangelism per se, but on the Lord--at all times, and in all things.

TO BECOME said...

I know one thing I fail in, it is when the thought of some person comes to my mind and I don't always immediately act upon that thought. If it happens at night, I always say a prayer for that person or persons but I know that I need to do more than that at times. Thanks for the Post sis. Julie. Connie from Texas

Sis. Julie said...

e-mom...I appreciate you pointing out the fact of following the Lord's leading in talking to someone about the Lord. I believe it is probably next to impossible to talk to EVERY person we come in contact with...but we can hand them a tract and pray that God do the talking through that tract. I do believe that God does prompt us to speak with our mouths to certain people and that we don't always obey those promptings. I know I don't for one reason or another. May we all do better at getting the gospel out to a lost and dying world. Thank you so much for your comment.

Sis. Connie....thank you so much for leaving a comment. I've had the Lord wake me up at different times of the night to pray and feel honored that He would ask "ME" to do that. I know that there have been times during the day however that He has prompted me to go pray and I've let myself disobey due to being too busy to stop and pray.

Thank you both for what you have added to this post in your comments. Y'all are such a blessing!!!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. But I would add that we need to feel a greater burden for our Christian brothers and sisters suffering for Christ throughout the world.

CindyMae said...

I know that I fail at sharing with as many people as I should. This was a great post and a great reminder.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Sis!! I fail in this area as well! I need to be reminded to get back on track!! :-)

Christopher Cline said...

Great Post,
We all need to work on this more.
I know I do.

Lord Bless..

Unknown said...

And can you imagine the effect if we were all found faithful in this? Thanks for the prompting!

Janie said...

Thanks, Sister Julie, for leaving a post on my blog. I look forward to coming to yours, now that I know about it. Thank you for this post...this is an area I really struggle in because of intense shyness. I know I need to work on this and pray for more boldness.

Kristi said...

I read this yesterday but blogger wouldn't let me comment for some reason. Crossing my fingers for today. LOL

I'm not sure that anyone could ever do enough to show others to Christ. But we must put forth our best efforts. I certainly do not want to stand before God wishing I had done more.



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