Saturday, February 24, 2007

Are You Living In The Past?

Philippians 3:13-14 "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

God does not want us to live in the past. The past is gone. Past mistakes and past failures are gone as well as our past life. The devil is always behind us reminding us of those past mistakes, past failures and our past life. We should not be looking behind us or even listening to that voice that is behind us.

God is always before us beckoning us to FOLLOW Him and to draw closer to Him. We should always be listening to that voice that is before us. In order to be effective for God we have to let go and forget the past. That is easier said than done I know. I too have had times where I've let myself be reminded of past failures and my past life...when I do I'm listening to that voice that is behind me (Satan) and not that voice that is before me (God).

God's rightful place is before us. Satan has no right to be there. We need to put Satan where he belongs...behind us and in the past. God is not the author of bringing up those things that are behind us. God has forgotten them. How can God bring up things that He has chosen to forget?

We are to press forward not look behind. When we are looking behind we are capable of falling. A person cannot walk forward while looking behind and think they aren't going to fall. How can they not fall? If they aren't looking forward they won't see the obstacles that may come up before them. Try walking forward without looking forward. You can't see what's coming if you don't look forward. The devil will put obstacles before you to cause you to fall s you are looking back.

Many have stopped working for Christ as a result of looking backward to the past. They have fallen for the devil's voice and turned around to go his direction.

We have got to keep the past where it belongs...IN THE PAST!! Lot's wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. I can't say what will happen to you if you look in the past or even listen to that voice that is behind you...but I can tell you that it won't be a good thing. God desires for us to continue to press for the mark that is BEFORE us. So keep pressing forward. And when you hear that voice that is behind you and you feel tempted to look back..PRAY...and DON'T LOOK BACK!! There is nothing in the past that the devil wants to say that is worth listening to!!!


Kristi said...

There's been countless times I've allowed the devil to discourage me by bringing up my past. But you know, one thing is for sure, if the devil isn't bothering you, you better check up on yourself with Christ! Because if you're not saved and thinking you ARE saved, he's gonna leave you alone. I believe that.

And when he starts to remind you of your past, remind him of his future!


Courtney, Jer.33:3 said...

Just a note to tell ya'll goodbye and that we hope to see ya'll on Thursday!!

John J. Kaiser said...

Often it is tremendously difficult to forget the past. Especially when one is first breaking away from a sinful lifestyle, and the allure of its pleasure is still fresh in the mind. Even after years away sometimes you can still catch a brief whiff of that pleasure and think for a second about your old lifestyle.

I am just glad God is always there to remind me that I am born anew. The old me is dead, and I am reborn in Christ- who strengthens me in all things.

-J. Kaiser

TO BECOME said...

One thing about the Christian life, we are never alone and there is no looking back for the christian all the blessing are ahead as we keep our eyes on Jesus. If we think about our past, it should be with thanksgiving for what God has brought us from and for where He is taking us to. Connie from Texas. Have a happy day!!!Sis. Julie

Unknown said...

I love what Happymama wrote:
"And when he starts to remind you of your past, remind him of his future!"
Great post here Sis Julie.

Anonymous said...

It is so amazing to think that God has erased our mistakes, He has covered them, they are gone. As soon as we genuinley repent they are gone. It is such freedom to remember this. Great post Sis Julie.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Awesome post, Sis! I feel blessed that God would not remember my past because of what His Son did!! We should praise the Lord Jesus for allowing us this opportunity to rejoice in this fact!! Without His death, we could not say that! Thank You Lord!

Christopher Cline said...

Great post,
Sorry I have not been by in a while my computer had to have and operation.
But it's all better now.

Lord Bless

Tammy said...

Hi Julie! Thanks for stopping by my blog! =)

Sis. Julie said...

Bro. Christopher...I'm glad you are back up and running with your computer. I missed reading your posts.

Sis. Tammy...thank you for coming over and leaving me a comment. I've enjoyed visiting your blog again!!!

CindyMae said...

This is such a great post and this something that I try and stress to those around me who can not seem to let go of the past. Awesome post!


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