Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind..."
True worship involves the changing or the transformation of the mind. The word "transform" is the word from which we get the English word "Metamorphosis". It's the word we use to describe what happens to a caterpillar in a cocoon.
Do you remember as a child seeing a cocoon attached to a stick? After watching the cocoon for quite some time, you realized that it was changing from the inside out. After the right amount of time, the caterpillar emerged transformed into a butterfly. There was a change that took place. It was not what it was before. Before it was ugly but once the transformation was complete it was beautiful. (I may do a post on the butterfly in a later post!! just might make you did me!!)
Much like the cocoon...Bible based worship will always produce a change in our lives as Christians. If you are involved in forms of worship that never bring change in your life...then you are involved in something that is not true Christian worship. True Christian worship involves a heart attitude that says, "Lord, I want you to transform me."
I got a saying one time from a man of God who said that "Worship is a heart that is brought to a point of overflowing when we think of nothing but Him". Think about it...when we think of nothing but Him and He is our focus then our lives can't help but be changed. We live more holy and clean when He is our focus.
The Bible says... "And be not conformed to this world". This phrasing so accurately describes the average saved person today. God tell us not to be conformed to the world...but to "be transformed by the renewing of your mind". In other changed from the inside out. True Biblical worship will transform us from the inside out.
This is very true we need to change all the time the more we read his.Word the more we should change.
Lord Bless.
Great post. We do need to be molding and transforming our lives to be more like Christ.
I like that quote:
"Worship is a heart that is brought to a point of overflowing when we think of nothing but Him".
What a great post! We infact should be trying to be more like Christ more and more. Thank you for this post!
Obviously, I love butterflies!!! The idea of tranformation gives me such hope--although it can be painful at times.
One summer, my daughter attended a camp at our local Science Center. After one session, she came home with a bakery box with a clear window. Inside were two chryalis attached to the top. We watched as they grew and eventually two beautiful butterflies emerged, which we later released in our flower garden. I was surprised to see red drops of something that looked like blood on the box below where they had hung so long... I assume their ultimate emergence somehow involved pain. Isn't that the way it is with us? No pain, no gain!!!
Thanks for this inspiring post. Happy New Year!
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